Static Testing

practice quiz

1. You are frequently asked to participate in reviews of requirements. Unfortunately, you usually receive the document to be reviewed the night before the review meeting will be held. This is resulting in your not doing a thorough review and having to work significant overtime to get the review done. What review success factor is missing from this process?a) Management support for the overall review process
b) Reviewing only small chunks at a time
c) Training for the proper performance in the meetings
d) Allowing adequate time to conduct the review

Select ONE option.

Question 1 of 32

2. Which of the following is a benefit of early and frequent feedback?a) It improves the test process for future projects
b) It forces customers to prioritize their requirements based on agreed risks
c) It is the only way to measure the quality of changes
d) It helps avoid requirements misunderstandings

Select ONE option.

Question 2 of 32

3. Which role is responsible for the smooth running of the review meeting?a) Review leader.
b) Moderator
c) Author.
d) Reviewer.

Choose one answer.

Question 3 of 32

4. What is the difference between static and dynamic techniques, due to the purpose of these techniques?a) Static techniques directly detect failures, while dynamic techniques directly detect defects.
b) Static techniques are typically used early in the SDLC, while dynamic techniques are typically used in later phases of the SDLC.
c) There is no difference, as both types of techniques aim to detect defects as early as possible.
d) Static techniques usually require programming skills, while dynamic techniques usually do not.
Choose one answer.

Question 4 of 32

5. Which of the following CANNOT be examined by static testing?a) Contract
b) Test plan
c) Encrypted code
d) Test charter

Select ONE option.

Question 5 of 32

6. If a review session is led by the author of the work product, what type of review is it?a) Ad hoc
b) Walkthrough
c) Inspection
d) Audit

Select ONE option.

Question 6 of 32

7. Given the following roles in reviews:

1. Scribe
2. Review leader
3. Facilitator
4. Manager

And the following responsibilities in reviews:

A. Ensures the effective running of review meetings and the setting up a safe review environment
B. Records review information, such as decisions and new anomalies found during the review meeting
C. Decides what is to be reviewed and provides resources, such as staff and time for the review
D. Takes overall responsibility for the review such as organizing when and where the review will take place

Which of the following BEST matches the roles and responsibilities?a) 1A, 2B, 3D, 4C
b) 1A, 2C, 3B, 4D
c) 1B, 2D, 3A, 4C
d) 1B, 2D, 3C, 4A

Select ONE option.

Question 7 of 32

8. Given the following review types:

1. Technical review
2. Informal review
3. Inspection
4. Walkthrough

And the following descriptions:

A. Includes objectives such as gaining consensus, generating new ideas, and motivating authors to improve
B. Includes objectives such as educating reviewers, gaining consensus, generating new ideas and detecting potential defects
C. The main objective is detecting potential defects and it requires metrics collection to support process improvement
D. The main objective is detecting potential defects and it generates no formal documented output

Which of the following BEST matches the review types and the descriptions?a) 1A, 2B, 3C, 4D
b) 1A, 2D, 3C, 4B
c) 1B, 2C, 3D, 4A
d) 1C, 2D, 3A, 4B

Select ONE option.

Question 8 of 32

9. The reviews being used in your organization have the following attributes:

- There is the role of a scribe
- The main purpose is to evaluate quality
- The meeting is led by the author of the work product
- There is individual preparation
- A review report is produced

Which of the following review types is MOST likely being used?a) Informal review
b) Walkthrough
c) Technical review
d) Inspection

Select ONE option.

Question 9 of 32

10. Given the following descriptions of review activities:

1. Detected anomalies are deliberated upon, and determinations are reached regarding their status, ownership, and any further steps needed
2. Issues are recorded, and any needed updates are addressed prior to the acceptance of the work product
3. Reviewers employ techniques to come up with suggestions and questions about the work product and to spot anomalies
4. The objective of the review and its schedule are established to ensure a focused and efficient review
5. Participants are provided with access to the item being reviewed

Which of the following is the CORRECT sequence in the review process of the activities that correspond to the descriptions?a) 4 – 3 – 5 – 2 – 1
b) 4 – 5 – 3 – 1 – 2
c) 5 – 4 – 1 – 3 – 2
d) 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1

Select ONE option.

Question 10 of 32

11. Which of the following is an example of a defect that can be found by static testing but NOT by dynamic testing?a) Lack of usability provided through the user interface
b) Code with no path that reaches it
c) Poor response times for most of the expected users
d) Required features that are not implemented in the code

Select ONE option.

Question 11 of 32

12. Given the following task descriptions:

1. The quality characteristics to be evaluated and the exit criteria are selected
2. Everyone has access to the work product
3. Anomalies are identified in the work product
4. Anomalies are discussed

And the following review activities

A. Individual review
B. Review initiation
C. Planning
D. Communication and analysis

Which of the following BEST matches the task descriptions and activities?a) 1B, 2C, 3D, 4A
b) 1B, 2D, 3C, 4A
c) 1C, 2A, 3B, 4D
d) 1C, 2B, 3A, 4D

Select ONE option.

Question 12 of 32

13. Which of the following is a benefit of static analysis?a) Defects can be identified that might not be caught by dynamic testing
b) Early defect identification requires less documentation
c) Early execution of the code provides a gauge of code quality
d) Tools are not needed because reviews are used instead of executing code

Select ONE option.

Question 13 of 32

14. For a formal review, at what point in the process are the exit criteria defined?a) Planning
b) Review initiation
c) Individual review
d) Fixing and reporting

Select ONE option.

Question 14 of 32

15. Which of the following is a benefit of early and frequent stakeholder feedback?a) Managers are aware of which developers are less productive
b) It allows project managers to prioritize their stakeholder interactions
c) It facilitates early communication of potential quality issues
d) End users better understand why the delivery of the work product is delayed

Select ONE option.

Question 15 of 32

16. Inspection will be better carried out if:a) Its main purpose will be defined as “evaluation of alternatives”.
b) The manager will attend review meetings.
c) Reviewers will be trained to conduct reviews.
d) Metrics will not be collected throughout the review process.

Choose one answer.

Question 16 of 32

17. While analyzing the code, the tester noticed that the cyclomatic complexity of one of the code components was very high. The tester passed this information to the developers, who refactored the code, making it more readable and testable. This scenario shows the benefit of using:a) Dynamic testing.
b) Static testing.
c) Test management.
d) Formal test technique.

Choose one answer.

Question 17 of 32

18. Over the past few days, the team has been trying to find the cause of a strange system failure. Since they could not figure out the cause, the team decided to “simulate the computer” by manually executing the code line by line to understand what exactly the program was doing and thus discover the cause of the software’s strange behavior.
What type of review will be most appropriate for this activity?a) Inspection.
b) Informal review.
c) Technical review.
d)  Walkthrough.

Choose one answer.

Question 18 of 32

19. Which participant in the review process is responsible for ensuring that the review meetings run effectively and that everyone at the meetings can voice their opinions freely?a) Manager
b) Moderator
c) Chairperson
d) Review Leader

Select ONE option.

Question 19 of 32

20. What is the main difference between static and dynamic testing?a) Static testing is performed by developers; dynamic testing is performed by testers
b) Manual test cases are used for dynamic testing; automated tests are used for static testing
c) Static testing must be executed before dynamic testing
d) Dynamic testing requires executing the software; the software is not executed during static testing

Select ONE option.

Question 20 of 32

21. Your organization has just prepared an official document describing how reviews should be performed in the organization.
Can this document be reviewed?a) Yes, because any human-understandable document can be static tested.
b) No, because we would have to apply the rules described in this document to itself during the review.
c) No, because the document is not a work product of either the testing process or the development process.
d) No, because reviews can only be done for specifications and source code.

Choose one answer.

Question 21 of 32

22. What is the primary reason to get early and frequent feedback from stakeholders regarding a product being developed?a) To make them feel involved
b) To ensure that their vision for the product will be realized
c) To create more meetings
d) To use the stakeholders as testers

Select ONE option.

Question 22 of 32

23. Consider the following statements about early feedback.
i. Early feedback gives developers more time to produce new features of the system, as they spend less time on modifying the features planned in a given iteration.
ii. Early feedback allows agile teams to deliver the features with the greatest business value first, as the customer’s attention remains focused on the features most important from the customer’s point of view.
iii. Early feedback reduces the overall cost of testing because it reduces the amount of time testers need to test the system.
iv. Early feedback increases the likelihood that the system produced will be close to customers’ expectations, since they have the opportunity to make changes during each iteration.

Which of these statements are true?A. (i) and (iv) are true; (ii) and (iii) are false.
B. (ii) and (iii) are true; (i) and (iv) are false.
C. (ii) and (iv) are true; (i) and (iii) are false.
D. (i) and (iii) are true; (ii) and (iv) are false.

Choose one answer.

Question 23 of 32

24. Which of the following techniques is a form of static testing?a) Error guessing
b) Automated regression testing
c) Providing inputs and examining the resulting outputs
d) Code review

Select ONE option.

Question 24 of 32

25. Given the following example defects:

i. Two different parts of the design specification disagree due to the complexity of the design
ii. A response time is too long and so makes users lose patience
iii. A path in the code cannot be reached during execution
iv. A variable is declared but never subsequently used in the program
v. The amount of memory needed by the program to generate a report is too high

Which of the following BEST identifies example defects that could be found by static testing (rather than dynamic testing)?

a) ii, v
b) iii, v
c) i, ii, iv
d) i, iii, iv

Select ONE option

Question 25 of 32

26. In a formal review, which role is normally responsible for documenting all the open issues?a) The facilitator
b) The author
c) The scribe
d) The manager

Select ONE option.

Question 26 of 32

27. Which of the following is part of the review initiation phase?a) Selecting who will participate in the review.
b) Collecting metrics.
c) Answering participants’ questions about scope, goals, process, roles, and work products.
d)  Identifying the scope of work, including the type of review and the documents (or parts thereof) that are the subject of the review and the quality characteristics to be assessed.
Choose one answer.

Question 27 of 32

28. Which of the following is a factor that contributes to a successful review?a) Ensure management participate as reviewers
b) Split large work products into smaller parts
c) Set reviewer evaluation as an objective
d) Plan to cover one document per review

Select ONE option.

Question 28 of 32

29. Which of the following statements about the value of static testing is CORRECT?a) The defect types found by static testing are different from the defect types that can be found by dynamic testing
b) Dynamic testing can detect the defect types that can be found by static testing plus some additional defect types
c) Dynamic testing can identify some of the defects that can be found by static testing but not all of them
d) Static testing can identify the defect types that can be found by dynamic testing as well as some extra defect types

Select ONE option.

Question 29 of 32

30. Which of the following is a benefit of early and frequent stakeholder feedback?a) Changes to requirements are understood and implemented earlier
b) It ensures business stakeholders understand user requirements
c) It allows product owners to change their requirements as often as they want
d) End users are told which requirements will not be implemented prior to release

Select ONE option.

Question 30 of 32

31. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of static testing?a) Having less expensive defect management due to the ease of detecting defects later in the SDLC
b) Fixing defects found during static testing is generally much less expensive than fixing defects found during dynamic testing
c) Finding coding defects that might not have been found by only performing dynamic testing
d) Detecting gaps and inconsistencies in requirements

Select ONE option.

Question 31 of 32

32. Which of these statements is NOT a factor that contributes to successful reviews?a) Participants should dedicate adequate time for the review
b) Splitting large work products into small parts to make the required effort less intense
c) Participants should avoid behaviors that might indicate boredom, exasperation, or hostility to other participants
d) Failures found should be acknowledged, appreciated, and handled objectively

Select ONE option.

Question 32 of 32




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