Test Tools

practice quiz


Question 1 of 14

1. Which of the following is MOST likely to be a benefit of test automation?a) It provides coverage measures that are too complicated for humans to derive
b) It shares responsibility for the testing with the tool vendor
c) It removes the need for critical thinking when analyzing test results
d) It generates test cases from an analysis of the program code

Select ONE option.

Question 1 of 14

Question 2 of 14

2. Which of the following activities should be supported by a test management tool?a) Test design.
b) Requirements management.
c) Test execution.
d) Defect reporting.

Choose one answer.

Question 2 of 14

Question 3 of 14

3. Which of the following is MOST likely to be a risk of test automation?a) The detection of additional high-severity defects
b) Providing measures that are too complicated for humans to derive
c) Incompatibility with the development platform
d) Substantially reduced test execution times

Select ONE option.

Question 3 of 14

Question 4 of 14

4. Which TWO are the benefits associated with using test tools?a) Tool dependence.
b) Tool vendor dependency.
c) Increasing the repeatability of tests.
d) Mechanical coverage assessment.
e) Cost of maintaining test ware higher than estimated.

Choose two answers.

Question 4 of 14

Question 5 of 14

5. Which of the following is a benefit of test automation?a) Test execution is faster
b) Manual testing becomes obsolete
c) ROI is easy to determine
d) Test implementation is faster

Select ONE option.

Question 5 of 14

Question 6 of 14

6. Given the following test tool categories:

i. Collaboration tools
ii. DevOps tools
iii. Management tools
iv. Non-functional testing tools
v. Test design and implementation tools

Tools from which of the categories are MOST likely to facilitate test execution?a) i, v
b) ii, iv
c) i, iii, v
d) ii, iii, iv

Select ONE option.

Question 6 of 14

Question 7 of 14

7. Which item correctly identifies a potential risk of performing test automation? 

a) It may introduce unknown regressions in production
b) Sufficient efforts to maintain testware may not be properly allocated
c) Testing tools and associated testware may not be sufficiently relied upon
d) It may reduce the time allocated for manual testing


Select ONE option.

Question 7 of 14

Question 8 of 14

8. Given the following descriptions:

1. Support workflow tracking
2. Facilitate communication
3. Virtual machines
4. Support reviews

And the following test tool categories:

A. Static testing tools
B. Tools supporting scalability and deployment standardization
C. DevOps tools
D. Collaboration tools

Which of the following BEST matches the the descriptions and categories?a) 1A, 2B, 3C, 4D
b) 1B, 2D, 3C, 4A
c) 1C, 2D, 3B, 4A
d) 1D, 2C, 3A, 4B

Select ONE option.

Question 8 of 14

Question 9 of 14

9. Which of the following is a risk with test automation?a) Using an automation tool that will not be supported in the future
b) Developing test automation for particularly tedious manual testing areas
c) Using technical testers to implement the automation
d) Developing automated reporting

Select ONE option.

Question 9 of 14

Question 10 of 14

10. What is the primary purpose of a test execution tool?a) It runs automated test scripts to test the test object
b) It automatically records defects in the defect tracking system
c) It analyzes code to determine if there are any coding standard violations
d) It tracks test cases, defects and requirements traceability

Select ONE option.

Question 10 of 14

Question 11 of 14

11. Which test activity does a data preparation tool support? 

a) Test monitoring and control
b) Test analysis and design
c) Test implementation and execution
d) Test completion


Select ONE option.

Question 11 of 14

Question 12 of 14

12. Which of the following is MOST likely to be a benefit of test automation?a) The capability of generating test cases without access to the test basis
b) The achievement of increased coverage through more objective assessment
c) The increase in test execution times available with higher processing power
d) The prevention of human errors through greater consistency and repeatability

Select ONE option

Question 12 of 14

Question 13 of 14

13. Which of the following is an example of a tool that supports static testing?a) A tool that assists with tracking the results of reviews
b) A defect tracking tool
c) A test automation tool
d) A tool that helps design test cases for security testing

Select ONE option.

Question 13 of 14

Question 14 of 14

14. Tools from which of the following categories help with the organization of test cases, detected defects and configuration management?a) Test execution and coverage tools
b) Test design and implementation tools
c) Defect management tools
d) Test management tools

Select ONE option

Question 14 of 14




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